The most expensive golf clubs The most expensive golf clubs – ExactGolf

The most expensive golf clubs

You can argue about whether you can actually buy better scores, but one thing you have to say clearly: There is a point where more money certainly doesn't bring in more performance. And that's a point where a player is more interested in pushing a certain status symbol on the course than in actually playing good golf with it. Everyone as he wants. You can also argue about whether you have to buy an SUV for 100,000 Euros. And the same applies to a set of clubs that costs five-figure sums.

We have compiled a small ranking of the most expensive golf clubs in the world. The list is definitely not set in stone and will change somewhat over time. So please do not consider it as a kind of statistic. Our aim is to present the most expensive golf clubs of different noble brands.

5th place: XXIO

This manufacturer is from Japan and focuses on players with below average club head speed. XXIO players are mostly golfers who simply want a functional and lightweight club that makes the game easy. The clubs are also available online and already assembled. An XXIO Driver costs 700€ upwards and a set of clubs about 2000€.


4th place: Miura

The small manufacturer from Japan has worked hard to earn its good reputation. Miura irons are known in professional circles as the best irons you can buy. At least when it comes to classic blades and cavity back irons. In this segment Miura is very far ahead which is mainly due to an innovative forging process.

Miura was not much more expensive than comparable manufacturers like Mizuno a few years ago. However, demand increased strongly worldwide and prices developed accordingly. In 2020 a single Miura iron including shaft, grip and assembling costs between 300 and 400€, a wedge 350€.

3rd place: Ryoma

Also a manufacturer from Japan who is particularly interested in players who want to simplify their game and have a simple decision when buying. Especially the Ryoma Maxima Driver could be known to some connoisseurs. This driver promises especially long strokes and has caused quite a stir in the past. There is a lot of technology and relatively little marketing behind Ryoma. It is not as if you see a lot of advertising from this manufacturer and the number of dealers is also limited.

A Ryoma driver costs 1000€, an iron set about 2000€.

2nd place: PXG

The first non-Japanese manufacturer. PXG was founded by Bob Parsons, a very eccentric Texas billionaire. PXG turned the entire golf market upside down and challenged conventional iron manufacturing. The result was a forged iron head with a plastic filling. This was designed to provide maximum length and forgiveness.

In the meantime, there are several players on the PGA Tour who rely on PXG and the brand has long since achieved cult status. The path of PXG is the same as for Miura, with clubmakers who merely purchase the club heads and assemble the components. This alone makes for high prices. And the fact that PXG has very high development costs that must be compensated.

A PXG driver with a decent shaft is not available for less than 850€ and the new Gen 3 irons cost 570€/iron. Wedges and putters can also be very expensive with putters up to 800€. A complete set of PXG clubs can easily cost 7000 to 8000€.

1st place: Honma

Let us now come to the manufacturer of the most expensive golf clubs. The problem with Honma is that they also offer relatively cheap and very high quality golf clubs with the Honma XP1 and TR20. In these cases an iron sometimes costs less than 200€ and also a driver is absolutely affordable with about 630€ and not much more expensive than drivers of the big manufacturers.

However, there is a big but and that is "Beres". Honma Beres is, so to speak, the inventor of the segment of light golf clubs that can be easily played by players with low club head speed.

If you want to buy a complete set of Honma Beres today, you have to calculate with 6000 Euro for 14 clubs. At least in the 2 star version. But there are even more stars. And more stars mean extra charges. This is mainly explained by the fact that the shafts are of higher quality. These are hand drawn and a 5 star shaft is rare and difficult to produce. Therefore the prices can reach incredible heights.

It has to be said that the quality increases of course, but it is primarily a matter of prestige if you really want a 5 star Beres set. The price is then around 60.000 Euro. Honma is therefore also the manufacturer that offers the widest range. From 185€ per iron to 60.000 Euro sets.

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